Hi, I'm Rohan Raj Kansal

Know Me!!

I am a under-graduate student at IIT Mandi. I am pursuiung my Computer Science Engineering and I will graduate in 2023.

I love to program stuff weather it be the typical software programming or making some cool looking websites. I am also intersed in animations(2D) so currently I am learning how to create SVG animation in HTML.

My ultimate goal is to become a robotics engineer and for that I have leart Machine learning and Deep Learning. I also learnt Reinforcement Learning so that I can use it in my robotics projects.

Top Expertise

Really Good at web development weather it be the front end or the backend. Helped in making of various college websites: Download Resume

  • Python
  • Flask
  • MySQL
  • Redis
  • Tensorflow
  • Java
  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS
  • MongoDB
  • C++
  • Keras
  • C#

Some of MY Major Projects


Self Driving Car Simulation

This project uses genetic algorithms to optimise the neural network that predicts the acceleratoin and trun after taking in the values of distance sensors

Local Library System

This site simulates a Local Library. You can issue a book or return it. There is an admin page that can add books to the library as well.

Robotronics Club Website

This is the webite of IIT Mandi's Robotronics Club. Link to the website can be found above. Maintainer of the Website from 2020 - 2021. Click Me

Contact Information